Make each day a story worth telling!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Funky Desk Redo! before and after

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to redo/repaint furniture!!! I found this desk for $4.99 at Goodwill! I had BIG dreams for it....and after sitting in my garage for 6 months, I finally found the perfect time to start my new project!

BEFORE: My little model with the before desk.

Yes, he does look like a little orphan boy here in his mixed matched pj's! He didn't seem to mind a bit!
Love this...helping mommy pick out paint...and check out the right of the picture...he also thought it would be fun to stack the paint. All Boy!!!
My little picasso!!!
He LOVES helping his mommy paint!!! And his mommy hopes that this trend continues!!! My hair/outfit is looking about as crazy as G's in this pic! Have to say...I love that my shirt says "Q"!
AFTER: This half naked boy couldn't wait to get his booty in this chair! LOVES it...he eats in it, climbs in it...pretty much his new favorite thing...not really sure why we buy him all of those expensive toys!!! HA!
Thought it would be super fun to paint the table top in chalkboard paint!

I have to say I LOVE it!!! Definitely one of my favorite projects!!!


  1. AMY! You did an amazing job on that desk! WOW! love the chalkboard paint idea on it too!! I love it! You are so talented!

  2. I just have to tell you one more time how absolutely amazing that desk turned out! You are a talented lady, and way more patient than I think I would have been with it:) Hoping we can do some desk redo's for the Hutton household here soon!
