Make each day a story worth telling!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

35.5 week baby update

Well, I started my weekly appointments today!!! Exciting and yet draining all at the same time!!!! And luckily...once again didn't get in trouble for my weight gain!! Whoo hoo!
So, I am dialated 1cm, 50% effaced, and she is still head down at a -3! So I am moving right along!!! My belly measured 37 that is holding pretty steady too! It's crazy to start counting down by days rather than months!!! Can't believe we are already here!!! ...and it sounds like we may get to have her on the 26th or 27th instead of waiting until the 31st...thank you Griffin for being a big baby!! ...isn't it funny how just a few days seems like such a big deal when you are THIS PREGO!!!
So, everyone lately asks how I have been word...HUGE! lol... Other than feeling VERY big I am pretty uncomfortable, not so much when I am just hanging out, but having to bend over or get up from sitting on the floor or rolling over in bed is pretty much close to impossible! She is also hanging out very low(which is super painful) and something I didn't experience at all with Griffin, so I have given up walking...just kidding, but forget about me moving with any speed at with a little waddle....HA! ....but pregnancy must be doing something right with my hair...because I have gotten like a million compliments on it this! Hey....gotta look on the bright!
Sister's room is slowly but surely coming together! Should have it finished as soon as I get a second to work on the rocking chair....and as soon as I can get this little princesses' daddy to lend a hand with a couple of things!!! And after a few of her "stuff" aka baby gear, clothes, sheets are washed and ready for her....her diaper bag is even almost finished being packed!!! Gosh I just can't wait to hold her in our arms and bring her home with us!!! ...and just wait 'til you see her little "coming home from the hospital outfit" super cute!!!

a little xmas decorating-catch up

Monday, February 27, 2012

xmas in kansas catch up

xmas eve catch up

xmas day catch up

xmas catch up 1

Does this shirt make me look fat?!

Here I am 35 weeks prego!!!
Does this shirt make me look fat!!! Ha!!! That baby girl inside sure does!! I finally feel like we are on the home stretch! I haven't enjoyed being prego much these last few days...but I never get tired of feeling our little princess kicking around in there!
Thanks Griffin for modeling for me!!! You are one cute dude!
I took Griffin to the Y today and met up with our friends for a little open play and swimming after..griffin, not me ;) While we were there the cutest little girls kept asking me questions about the baby:
First little girl: Are you going to have a baby?
Me: Yes
Girl: What kind of baby?
Me: A girl!
Girl: What kind of baby girl? really sure how to answer that exactly..ha!
Second little girl: Is there a baby in there?
Me: Yes
Girl: What is she doing in there?
Me: She just hanging out until it is time for her to get here
Girl: Are there toys in there?
...funny right!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V-DAY baby update

Well, I promised myself and a few friends that I would do better about here goes!

As the end of my pregnancy draws nearer and nearer.... I am more and more tired with all of the dreaded symptoms that the second half of your third trimester carries with it (I have about 6 weeks left)....I am beyond exhausted..which is the excuse I will use for now as to why I have been a little "lazy" with my blogging!!! My belly hangs out of the bottom of my maternity clothes... I'm HUGE, and it is getting harder and harder to move along with the numbness (won't go into details here ;) and my hips hurting, feeling like she is about to fall out...and not to mention VERY FREQUENT trips to the ladies room and many sleepless nights ;) I am constantly trying to remind myself to quit the complaining and just be GRATEFUL!!!!...which I am...I promise!

I have been working on the nursery and will post pictures as soon as it is finished!!!! Have to is beyond cute!!! I went back to Tx this past week and of course went to my favorite boutique...which just so happens to be the home of Caden Lane...where I ordered the fabric for the bedding and other room projects that I sewed up....after chatting it up with the owner and showing her pics of the baby's room, they want to post pics of the nursery on their fun is that, I will keep you posted on that too!

Happy Valentine's to me!! We had a sono today to check up on lil sis and see how big she is getting....since our little man was quite the little pudge! ;) She was just as cute as can be... Her heartrate was 141 today and she was movin' and a groovin' as usual! She measured about one week early (instead of G's 3 weeks early) and around the 56th percentile (I think that is the number they gave me) in size and weighing in at 5lbs 3 that was very good to hear....especially when I think about pushing her out....ok...maybe TMI ;) So, the Dr. was very happy about that! It was so fun to see her again on the screen....and the sono tech also told us that she is still a goodness, because I'm not sure what I would do with the sea of pink that fills her room and closets!

Once I get the new sono pictures scanned in and another belly shot taken, I will post again!!! stay tuned!!!