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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

35.5 week baby update

Well, I started my weekly appointments today!!! Exciting and yet draining all at the same time!!!! And luckily...once again didn't get in trouble for my weight gain!! Whoo hoo!
So, I am dialated 1cm, 50% effaced, and she is still head down at a -3! So I am moving right along!!! My belly measured 37 that is holding pretty steady too! It's crazy to start counting down by days rather than months!!! Can't believe we are already here!!! ...and it sounds like we may get to have her on the 26th or 27th instead of waiting until the 31st...thank you Griffin for being a big baby!! ...isn't it funny how just a few days seems like such a big deal when you are THIS PREGO!!!
So, everyone lately asks how I have been word...HUGE! lol... Other than feeling VERY big I am pretty uncomfortable, not so much when I am just hanging out, but having to bend over or get up from sitting on the floor or rolling over in bed is pretty much close to impossible! She is also hanging out very low(which is super painful) and something I didn't experience at all with Griffin, so I have given up walking...just kidding, but forget about me moving with any speed at with a little waddle....HA! ....but pregnancy must be doing something right with my hair...because I have gotten like a million compliments on it this! Hey....gotta look on the bright!
Sister's room is slowly but surely coming together! Should have it finished as soon as I get a second to work on the rocking chair....and as soon as I can get this little princesses' daddy to lend a hand with a couple of things!!! And after a few of her "stuff" aka baby gear, clothes, sheets are washed and ready for her....her diaper bag is even almost finished being packed!!! Gosh I just can't wait to hold her in our arms and bring her home with us!!! ...and just wait 'til you see her little "coming home from the hospital outfit" super cute!!!

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