Mommy and Daddy just don't know where the time has gone! We were just bringing you home from the hospital yesterday! You have grown into the most beautiful, sweet but sassy, smart, observant, strong willed, funny little boy! We absolutely cannot imagine our lives without you! You make us laugh each and every day, you make us so proud to be your parents! We love you bunches and bunches!
Ok, so I know I am totally biased, but is he not the most beautiful little boy you have ever seen! He is definitely my little least in this picture!!! Love this sweet boy!

If you ask him how old he is, he will tell you 2 and also sing the happy birthday song! I love hearing that sweet little voice sing songs...these days he also loves "itsy bitsy spider" which goes something like "bitsy itsy bitsy isty, WHOOOSH is away" then clapping! And of course the abc song!
Thinks it is pretty funny to call me Amy, and then giggles!
Loves when mommy and daddy give hugs and kisses...and wants to join in!
He is hilarious! He loves to show off, dance around singing his favorite song, being silly...and jumping off of everything!
Loves his choo choos and loves any kind of vehicle! Hmmm wonder where he gets that from....he will also say "daddy fast" when riding in his car!
Dude is a strong willed boy...he know what he wants and when he wants it!
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