Make each day a story worth telling!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

funny man!!!

People always tell you how much work being a parent is going to be....but they don't tell you how funny it is going to be!!! Our little man CONSTANTLY makes me laugh!!!

Yesterday, Q and I took Griffin to go run a few errands....the first was to get new goggles for swim lessons...he was so proud to hand them to the sales lady and carry them to the car....he could hardly wait for me to get them out of the package....and here is what he did next....I think he likes them! HILARIOUS!!!
Then he wore them like sunglasses for a while!
Next I wanted to stop by TJ Maxx to pick G up a few new outfits...along the way, we found this fun new cooler! G LOVED it and pulled it all over the store...
He didn't want to let it here he is when we were in line to check out....still holding it (makes me laugh just looking at the picture)
And then again after we checked out....and he pulled it all of the way to the car, and it had to sit next to him for the car ride home....sooo funny!
Gosh, I love this little boy!!!