Make each day a story worth telling!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Catchin' up...Spending time with friends!

We had so much fun visiting with my high school friends! I miss them so much living up here, but we always have SOOO much fun together! Now, most of my girlfriends down there have young children close to Griffin's age! Here is my friend Tasha with her 2 cuties Jaxon and Kash(Griffin and Kash are only about 3 months apart)! They are the cutest and so sweet! Jaxon will give you hug after hug and then ask his mommy to bring us flowers!! I always ask Jaxon if he will come home with me! Love them!!

Here we are, it was late in the evening we took the boys out and just let them run! They were so cute and full of energy! The weather was amazing down there, shorts weather up until Thanksgiving day!

The boys had so much fun, they didn't want to stay inside after the running was over!
Our 3 boys, aren't they just the cutest!!!
Haley, her husband Brad and little princess Rylee Paige came to visit and Griffin just loves her!!! And she just thinks Griffin is pretty cool! Haley and I are convinced they are going to day! We do worry that they will cause half as much trouble together as Haley and I did! Our Mom's think we totally have it coming to us!
Haley, Rylee, Griffin and Me! We miss you!!!
Griffin and his little friend Avery, they were born 2 weeks apart. It was so fun seeing them run around together!
Jennie, Avery, Kim, Griffin and Me!
Flashback!!! Here is Jennie and me at my baby shower, I was 32 weeks prego and she was 31. Avery had other plans and made her entrance 2 weeks before Griffin. I was very jealous when I was sitting at home ready to pop! ;)
With our friends Kim and Ricky! We ALWAYS have sooo much fun with these 2! Love you guys!
Such a great trip! Griffin did so wonderful with all of the driving and was always having fun no matter where we went or what we did!

Catchin' up...Hangin' with Miss Alice on our way to Tx!!

WOW!!! After being gone a week, I have ALOT to catch up on!!! So here goes...

Q and I drove down to Tx for Thanksgiving this year(we try and alternate holidays between KS and Tx)! Along the way we met up with one of my very best friends from college/Delta Gamma sister/roomie Sarah and her husband Stephen and their precious 6 mo. old little girl Alice Caroline in Fort Worth! Between both of our pregnancies and having the babies, we haven't managed to get together and we couldn't think of driving through Ft. Worth without seeing them! Miss Alice is such a doll!!! Griffin just thought Alice was the cutest thing ever! It make me laugh how even though Griffin is still so small, Alice is a baby to him! Here are a few pics from the trip down!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mr. December

Yep, our little man is getting to be pretty famous around town....he keeps getting booked over and over for the cover of this pretty awesome Kids' Directory in town....this time featured as Mr. December! To book Griffin, simply contact his agent! Ha!

This is half of the fun of publishing the Kids' Directory! Here is the cover of our December issue! I know I am a bit biased...but isn't he just the cutest little guy ever!!! He dresses in some pretty cool duds these days too!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am thankful!

I am thankful!

13 month update!!!

I know I keep saying this....but I CANNOT believe my little man is 13 months old!!! This is what he is doing now:

LOVES to read, will bring you book after book! Some of his favorites are: curious george, animal sounds, dr. seuss, bob the builder, and his dinosaur books (with the sounds of course)!

Loves to wrestle with daddy!

He is so funny, he will superman dive on pillows...super funny to watch, he thought it would be fun to superman dive on to pillows from the window seat (and sometimes on his mommy) fear!

He loves his bath time! Heads straight for the tub as soon as he hears the water running! And will splash forever and loves to play with his water toys!

Loves to be chased, will even try and engage you by taking a few steps and turn around with his huge smile and giggle!

This boy LOVES fruit... much more than veges or meat...unless his daddy is feeding him his leftovers, like chocolate jello....then he will give us the non stop "more" sign

Loves to swim and is gettting to be sooo good in swim class! He especially loves giving his girlfriend Caroline kisses in the middle of class! He is always so eager to give her kisses...this has his mommy worried for what the future holds with our little man and girls!! Ha!

Loves his car, everytime we get home he goes straight for his little car, climbs in and wants you to push him! So cute, then we go for a walk and he grabs his phone out of the back and talks! Hmmm, wonder where he learned that one!

Loves the little neighborhood boys, whenever they are out playing, he starts talking/screaming to them to get their attention...they think he is pretty cool as well!

Such a cute boy, waves goodbye to everyone lately!!! Even at me when I am trying to get him to leave WITH me! Sometimes, I have to say "lets go see da da" to get him to come along!

LOVES his Da Da and wants to be just like him! Today I caught him wearing one of Q's baseball hats.

When you ask him, "How big is Griffin?" He will raise both him arms (so cute/funny) and then dives forward onto the pillows (hopefully) in front of him!

Waves bye bye to EVERYONE! He is such a friendly little man!

Wants to be just like dada! He will come out into the living room to find me wearing Q's hats, he calls dada constantly and he heads straight for the door as soon as he hears his daddy come in! Daddy thinks he is just like his mommy when he comes out wearing my 'blingiest' bracelets!

Loves animals and will make all of their noises for you! I first heard him "quack quack quack" at swim lessons when he was playing with the rubber ducky! Too funny!

He is a CLIMBER! He climbs EVERYTHING!!! And then he will clap!

LOVES his Ry Ry (Rylee) and Kolton....he wants to be just like them and he loves when he gets to play with them (Kolton isn't always so sure when G 'plays' with his toys)...Kolton and Griffin are going to be quite the pair! And G is just crazy about his ry ry!!! She is always so sweet with him!

He has gotten his 1 yr. molars and canine teeth on top and they are cutting through on the bottom...Q and I were shocked one day when we checked his teeth and saw a mouth of white (we thought he was just cutting his top molars).

He loves to slide down the stairs... I have heard from Q's mom that he used to do the same thing when he was little...he will be on his belly pick up his legs and will slide to the bottom of the stairs in about 2 seconds flat! All Boy!

Griffin's mommy and daddy are completely crazy about him! And I think the feeling is mutual! We couldn't have imagined a more perfect little man that fits so perfectly into our family!

How big is Griffin???

Our little man is so fun....and smart...he picks up on everything so quickly!!! Here is one of my new favorites...We just ask him, "How big is Griffin?"

My little tornado!!!

No, I am not talking about living in tornado alley.... I am talking about my little Griffin tornado! He constantly surprises me with everything he gets into...and most of the time I can't help but laugh! Now that he is climbing, he is double trouble....and can wreck a room faster than I can clean it up! I accidentally forgot to shut the door to our guest room (you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now;), and my little tornado took full advantage of it...climbling up onto the window seat, throwing all of the pillows on the floor, then pulling the curtains down...I was in shock when I walked in and saw my little man with a huge smile on his face clapping....I mean is it possible not to laugh!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friends+wine+handwriting analyst=fun time!

Our friends Denise and Chad are amazing hosts!!! They had Latin American food brought in that was A-MAZ-ING! Our dinner groups are always such a blast and this one was no exception!!!
The boys before the Drumrights arrived! We are some lucky ladies!!!
The four of us girls(Camie came right after dinner).
Sharon arrived after dinner as our entertainment...she is a handwriting analyst, (and quite the flashy dresser ;) It was sooo fun! and surprisingly accurate!
We had to write a few sentences on our favorite hobby for her to is Q's and mine. His is pretty interesting...but surprisingly not the most creative, Bradley won that award!....maybe they should have been written before a few glasses of wine Ha!


Shopportunity was such a fun Mom's night out!!! One of my girlfriends and I got a booth together but I think we had more fun chatting with all of the girls!...and shopping!
A shot of the table that Mindy and I shared! She had the cutest magnets!!! Super cute/talented/fun girl!
So many of the girls from my MAPS small group showed up! The turquoise group totally rocks!!! The cute lady to my left is Deb, our "mom"!
Liz and I taking a break from chatting to pose for a pic!
Me with a couple of my super cute mommy friends!!!
Couple of my items...a fun silk rosette bib necklace...these and a couple of my other items, were the hottest selling items!
and some super cute headbands!
So surprised I didn't shop all of my profits away...left with one super cute necklace though!!!

The case of the missing sock!

So, it always seems like in the laundry you lose a sock or two...they always seem to go missing there! Well, I have been missing a HUGE amount of Griffin's socks lately...and I just couldn't believe that our washing machine was eating all of those socks....well... I saw a sock peeking out from behind Griffin's crib the other day, so I decided to pull his crib away from the wall and here is what I found:

He has been stashing them behind his crib! Funny right! This little man is constantly finding new ways to make me laugh...and to wonder what he will do next to shock me!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our little monster's first halloween!

I was beyond excited to take Griffin trick or treating this year! Hard to believe he was only 2 weeks old last year for his first Halloween...but still a little too small to trick or treat!

I found the absolute cutest monster costume and was soooo excited to get him all dressed up!

Every Halloween, Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Terry, Aunt Bryn, Uncle Ryan, Rylee and Kolton come over for a Halloween dinner and then the kiddos go trick or treating! It is always so fun seeing them in their costumes...excited for Griffin to join them this year for the festivities!

Grrriffin's Grrreat Halloween Costume
Mommy getting our little monster all dressed up!
Sooo excited!
Isn't he just the cutest monster you have ever seen!!

Puppy and Monster...good buddies!

The cute trick or treaters!

Ready to go!!!
Hmmm....why is Daddy holding the candy?! ;)

What a cute chick! Griffin's little girlfriend Caroline stopped by to say hi! These 2 are always so cute together...lots of hugs and (wet) kisses!
"Yummy, your candy tastes good!!!"