HOLY COW!! How did this happen, where did this year go! I have such mixed emotions.... so happy and proud of my little man that is growing up so quickly, he is more than I could have ever dreamed of in a child... but also a little sad that the time just flew by and he is no longer my newborn baby...he is now a toddler, in every form of the word! But mostly....I just never realized that it is possible to love someone so much!!!
Well, enough of that, here is what our little man is doing...
Climbing everything, on his birthday he decided to climb his birthday presents.... normally it is tables and chairs, stairs and toys.
Blows kisses, waves bye bye, and (does his best) repeats what you say.
Likes to talk on the phone, he makes everything his phone...the lastest is my business card holder... and with his phone, we call Daddy every day at work.
He is doing so good with his baby sign language, he tells us when he is done eating and when he wants more food!
He is a little chatterbox, loves attention, is a little dramatic at times, and loves to flirt with girls!...and he is loud!
Lights up when he does something good with a huge smile and sometimes applause (from us and him)
He is a little fish, he LOVES swim class, loves to splash and swim, and play with his friends!
He is VERY independent! He does not like to be fed...he wants to do it himself!
Likes to throw toys (all of them) down our stairs! He is a little mischievous...ok, a lot mischievous!
We are pretty blessed! Griffin is such an awesome boy....definitely full of energy..nonstop, loves to play, laugh and have fun!